Alan Blake - Your Next Councilor For District 2
Help us campaign today for a better Portland tomorrow!
Help us campaign today for a better Portland tomorrow!
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But they are not treated like that and that is Shameful. Seniors that have retired from work at 62 67 or70 years old and is Receiving Social Security should get some Preference for Housing Vouchers like we give our Veterans. Our Seniors are Veterans at Paying Taxes and Funding our Government and for some Social Security isn't enough to pay all the Bills. They have served their Country, State, and City Economically over the years providing Assistance to others and its NOT FAIR That they have to get in the back of the line. They have made it this far so Lets make sure our Seniors are Housed and Safe. Work with me to end Senior Citizen Homelessness and allow them to have some Dignity in their final years.
Let me show you What I mean By Proactive Government. I Propose that we Give 6,000 Working Families In Portland, 1,500 in Each District 500 Dollars a Month for one year. Any Working Head of Household that makes under 40.000 per year is Eligible. This would come out to 36 Million Dollars and to me this is a Excellent way to use Taxpayer Money and let me show you why. 1.Working Families will now have More Financial Freedom to help Stabilize the Home and Will see that the Taxes that they pay can Create Good Government that's Works and Cares about them too. 2. People making under 40.000 per year don't live paycheck to paycheck, They OWE their next 3 Checks and 1 they didn't even Work for it Yet. By giving them 500 a month they will not be calling for Pubic Assistance because they are Already receiving Assistance. With Direct Action we can Eliminate the Middle Man and save Money. Without our help they are going to fall and don't wait until that Happens. Anticipate that it is going to Happen and Bite the Bullet while the Bullet is Bite Size. When you wait until it Happens there is a Mess to Clean up before you can Stabilize the Situation. The Mess is the HOMELESS BUREAUCRACY! 3. They are going to SPEND the Extra Money to improve their Quality of Life which will create MORE Goods and Services which will create MORE Jobs which will create MORE Taxpayers Paying Taxes. Stop being Reactive it is so much more Expensive and not much Bang for the Taxpayer Buck. The Homeless Bureaucracy is so big they can't even find enough Smart and Talented People to Run it. This is Homeless Prevention Direct Action to the People is the way to go. Houston Texas and other Cities are Already doing this for their Most Vulnerable Citizens. Help me Create Good Government for All the People of Portland and Support my Candidacy For Councilor in District 2!
But our Elected Leaders don't listen and refuse to Execute what the People voted for. A new Police oversight System that was approved with 82% of voter support in 2020 is still not finalize and water down so much the original intent is missing. The People want a commission that will investigate and penalize Police misconduct and remove Police leadership from the oversight process. Now the police union wants to get rid of the Commission proposal and the City Council water down version and put in a new Ballot initiatives for this Election. They refuse any Accountability and claim that police officers will leave if held Accountable. The police have no Credibility with the Public they serve and our Elected Leaders have Disregarded the Peoples Mandate. The Supportive Housing Services Measure that the Voters approved in May 2020 and went into Effect in 2021 and is set to expire in 2030. Metro estimated 1.6 Billion over 6 years but now is estimated at 2.4 Billion. The People Intentions are expressed by the Ballot. Metro ,the County nor the City should not be able to change ANYTHING and all the Funds SHOULD be used to Eliminate Homelessness in the Greater Portland Area. It is a Privilege to work for the People of Portland and if they will not do what we want, then we need to Elect People that will. Vote for Change Vote for Accountability Vote for Civilian Oversight. Our Voices are being Ignored by the Status Quo and we need People in Government who will Follow and Execute the People Mandate. Support my Efforts Alan Blake 4 Councilor D2 and together we can have what we VOTED FOR!
What I mean is I support Senator Bernie Sanders Proposal to cut Full-Time Hours from 40 to 32 without no Reduction in Pay. The Working Class has been Suffering from Income Inequality for the Last 10 years and what Little wages went up went right to Inflation. Companies have shown that they will not pay a Livable Wage so Only our Elected Leaders can Change and Improve the Quality of Life for our Thousands of workers. The 40 hour work week became Law in 1940 and after 84 years I Believe this is the time for a Adjustment to how Society is now. If Companies wont raise wages then Lets give our most Vulnerable Workers more time for themselves to Better themselves. Upgrade their Skills or Go back to School or just more time for their own Well Being. 32 HOURS WORK WEEK NO REDUCTION IN PAY! Progressive means to move Forward with Positive Change, Reform and PROGRESS. I believe that if we gave Working People making 40,000 or Less 500 dollars for a Housing Allowance with a Extra Day Off will Significantly Improve our Citizens Quality of Life. Also it would Incentivize Getting a Job and finding work Because with a Housing Allowance there will be a Opportunity to get off the Street . VOTE TO IMPROVE YOR LIFE! VOTE FOR 32 HOUR WORK WEEK NO REDUCTION IN PAY!! VOTE FOR 500 DOLLAR HOUSING ALLOWANCE. ITS YOUR MONEY TOO!!! VOTE ALAN BLAKE4 COUNCILOR D2 VOTE! VOTE!! VOTE!!!
And it doesn't matter if the Crime Statistics show otherwise the Perception is that Tri-Met is dangerous and unsafe to ride. Tri-Met is one of the Finest Public Transit Agency in the Country and they are Doing their best to combat that Perception. It is not their Fault That Society has changed and some People don't know how to Act in Public and leave their trash anywhere. There are more Security officers then ever before with Security Cameras everywhere plus Tri-Met Employees are visible on most Downtown Stations. Unfortunately I don't think that's Enough and its Time for Tri-Met to have its own Dedicated Police Force. Tri-Met has over 3500 Employees with 85 Bus Lines,5 Light rail Lines. With nearly 700 Buses and 145 Light Rail Cars We need to Protect our Riders and our Public Transportation Assets. Times have changed And its a Great time to look Forward with new Ideas but one thing is still True, People feel safe when they see a Police Officer. Currently the Transit Police Division has officers from 4 Police Agencies, MCSO, Port of Police, Beaverton and Hillsboro. Lets combine this into one Tri-Met Police Force with a Police Chief that is Appointed by the Tri-Met Board. This is the way to overcome the Perception and People will see how great the Transit System Really Is. Lets make the Positive Changes needed for the Future Now with Seattle hosting the World cup in 2026 and plans for a New Interstate Bridge which might have Light Rail to Vancouver and with a line Down Barber Blvd the System will be expanded. We can have the Finest and the Safest Public Transportation system in the Country and Together with your support we can get there. I'm Alan Blake and I'm Running for Councilor In D2 to Help make our City the Best City.
And just like in politics some things just doesn't make any sense at all. The State would rather spent a LOT of money for a little bit of success instead of spending a LITTLE money for a lot of success. HB4002 will spend hundreds of Millions of dollars in the attempt to to get Drug addicts to Treatment or face Jail. In other words another Policy that has ALREADY been Proven not to work. While at a Faction of the cost we can have Programs in our Middle Schools across the State to Prevent our Children from Becoming Drug Addicts. No Child wants to grow up and be a drug addict it is mostly a person Circumstances and Environment so its very Important to Teach and Show Children the Difference between those hard drugs like Cocaine Methamphetamines and Fentanyl and the soft ones like Weed, Beer and Wine. We have to upgrade the message from "just say no" to Something that will get our Point across to todays Youth. If there is a Demand there will be a Supply and we Already have Laws and Serious Penalties for Dealing Narcotics and Guess what...PEOPLE STILL DEAL NARCOTICS. Slowing the Demand Will make it not Worth it and Empowering our Youth Can be a Low Cost and Effective Way to Deal with this Issue. Empowering the Criminal Justice System to Solve the Drug Problem has never work in any Decade except to Bankrupt the State for Incarcerating non Violent Drug Addicts. There is so much more Value and Hope when Taxpayers invest in Education and Prevention and working with the Parents in the Community we can Teach and Educate our youth to NOT experiment with those Hard Drugs at ALL. I'm Alan Blake 4 Councilor D2 and I'm Committed to moving Forward with New Ideas to help bring the Rose back to our Beautiful City. VOTE FOR EMPOWERING OUR YOUTH VOTE TO MOVE FORWARD VOTE FOR EDUCATION AND PREVENTION AND FIRE CAUNCEY BILLUPS!!!
And it also takes two parties working together to achieve their common goal. The City has a Responsibility for the welfare of the Citizens and we have a Responsibility to be Good and Respectful Citizens. There is a reason why no one wants a Homeless shelter or Low Income or a Bottle Drop in their Neighborhood. Stop calling Drug Addicts Homeless they have a BIGGER problem to tackle their Drug addiction. The People of Portland are Generous, Kind and Welcoming but no one wants their Quality of life to suffer and Drug addicts brings down everyone's Quality of life. The Pubic has a right to oppose until the City stop giving People Assistance without asking for something in return. All we ask for is People to Behave and be Good and Respectful Citizens. If they cant do that then they don't deserve the Taxpayer Generosity. A Homeless person doesn't leave a mess everywhere they go, a drug addict does. A Homeless person doesn't smoke dope on the train or bus or in your building, a drug addict does. When a Homeless person gets a place to stay with Taxpayer help they are Happy and Appreciative and ready to start a better life. When a drug addict gets a place to stay with Taxpayer help he Invites his drug addict friends and together they bring the Quality of life of the whole building down. Misplaced Compassion can be harmful to everyone including the ones you are trying to help. Stop trying to help people who will not help themselves. I'm Alan Blake D2 and I need your support to help take Portland in a new Direction. Vote for Change Vote for Common Sense Government. Lets Reclaim our City Together.
Are the People of Portland and Everyone has a Part to Play and Everyone can be Part of the Solution. We have a Government that when Given Private Money to Clean up the Trash on I405 and US 26 Gives it Back and tells Companies and Generous Citizens that They Cannot Get Anything Done. This was 5years ago and now The CEO of Columbia Sportwear is Back HOPING That Things are Different. We DONT need a Task Force to Get Trash Picked up. Portland has Hundreds of People who Leaves The Shelter System with Nothing to do, No Where to Go, and No Way to Earn Income. Take the 140.000 of PRIVATE MONEY and Create a Way to Get the Trash Picked up but Also Give People a OPPORTUNITY to Earn some Income and Give back to the COMMUNITY. We need People in Government that Can put 1+1 Together and Solve 2 Problems. If Our Government Doesn't know how to Spend PRIVATE MONEY Wisely can you Trust them to Spend Your TAX MONEY Wisely? I Think there are 50 Homeless Men and Woman Without any Drug Addictions Issues that can get the Job Done and would Love the Opportunity to Contribute Back to Society. We need the Private Sector for Portland to Become Prosperous so we need People in Government to Stop Giving Excuses to Them on Why they Can't do Their Job! The Staff to pick up the Trash is All around you. I'm Alan Blake for City Council D2 and I Fully Endorse this Message.
Vs. Government that is a National Embarrassment and Lacking any Vision for our future. Our Government thinks that the way to HELP Stop minors from Smoking is to BAN it from Adults and put Smoke Shops out of business. When did Banning Anything work? Isn't Fentanyl BANNED? How is that Ban going? Our Government has done Nothing to Stop our Downtown Businesses from Leaving so they create Policy that will Close and Shut Down Businesses ALL OVER TOWN. If the Goal is to Reduce the Percentage of Minors that Smoke you Have to Start at the Middle Schools. 6th 7th and 8th Graders should be taught the Dangerous and Serious Health Affects. Show them the organs of People who has Smoked. Introduce them to the 49 year that is Dying from Cancer from Smoking. We must Educate them better than their Friends can Mis-Educate them. We have to Catch them before High School where they are making those Decisions. DO I SMOKE? DO I SMOKE WEED ONLY? SHOULD I DRINK? SHOULD I POP PILLS? WHAT DO I DO? In 4years they will be 10th 11th and 12th Graders so We Have to Win these Arguments Early and if we can win the Arguments We can Reduce Teen Smoking. This also applies to GUN VOLENCE. This is Good Government that works with the Parents to help keep Children Educated So when its Time for them to make those decisions they are making Educated Decisions. This takes Hard Work Dedication and Everyone Working Together. No Lazy Politician with some Lazy Bill will be able to get around that. Good Government uses the Taxes from Smokers to create LESS Smokers. Bad Government puts Businesses .. Out of Business. VOTE FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT! VOTE FOR CHANGE! The Status Quo is BAD GOVERNMENT That can be Deadly at its worse and Embarrassing at its BEST!
Because our Government should be Proactive and have a Positive Vision for the Future of the City. We have Elected Leaders who only care about their own Re election who welcome Drug Addicts from all over to come here and now wants to lock them up again. Politicians who waste Millions of Taxpayers Dollars and also the People Time and Effort. Over 300 Million has been spend on Homeless Services over the last 5years and 75% of us feels like it has been Ineffective. Homeless should only be a Financial Problem, Rents are too High and Take home is too Little. I want to separate our Homeless from People who have Drug Addiction/ Mental Health/ Behavioral Problems. With Prevention we can get ahead of the Problem instead of always chasing it from Behind. Our Elected Officials MUST work harder for State And Federal dollars to fight Drug Addiction/ Mental Health. This is a National Problem that is in every City so we need People who are going to FIGHT FOR PORTLAND and get the Federal Dollars that's is available in Washington DC. The State has a Responsibility that they have Abandoned with regards to Mental Health. Our Elected Officials in Salem Must do more for Portland!!
I'm calling for Drastic changes in how we respond to our Social Problems and we must become Proactive not Reactive. Help and Compassion at the End of the Journey not at the Beginnings. I can't Change anything without your Help and Support and I understand the responsibly of What I'm asking. I'm Asking You, The Voter to Trust me to make Decisions that will Directly Impact Your life. My hope is my Passion my Hard Work my Intelligence and my Sincere love for my Community can earn that Trust. PEACE
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